You need to have either an email address or a mobile number to be able to register an account with SLIDE.
By: WEIJIE YAO Category:
You can sign up with SLIDE in 4 simple steps: Download ‘SLIDE MEMBER’ app from Google Play or Apple App Store. Tap ‘Get Started’ at bottom right corner. Enter your display name, password, mobile number and date of birth (same date as your identification card). Enter OTP (One-Time Password) to your mobile phone via SMS.
By: WEIJIE YAO Category:
This is for our partner agents to search for you on the SLIDE system when you want to conduct monetary transactions.
By: WEIJIE YAO Category:
You have to verify your email address in order to receive the receipts of your transactions, account updates, notifications and promotions via email. You also have to verify your email address if you want to use it to log in. To verify your email address, please open SLIDE app and click/enter the following: Me > […]
By: WEIJIE YAO Category:
You can only log in with a verified email address. To verify your email address, please refer to the previous question.
By: Karen Category:
No, you cannot sign up for more than one account using the same mobile number and email address.
By: Karen Category:
This means that your mobile number has already been registered with SLIDE. Try logging in as an existing user with your mobile number or email address. If you forgot your password, reset your password by selecting ‘Forget Password’. If you experience this problem despite not having signed up with SLIDE before, please contact our […]
By: Karen Category: